International Coorporations and References

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National Collaborations

Collaborative activities are conducted with private sector and public institutions and organizations such as Ministries, Municipalities, Universities, Directorates, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Exchanges, Exporters' Associations, Cooperatives, Associations, TIKA, KOSGEB, which are national organizations operating in similar fields within the framework of various programs.

International Collaborations

The Vice Presidency of Life Sciences establishes close cooperation with research institutions of other countries in order to closely follow the most recent developments and innovations in the field of science and technology in the world, carries out projects within the framework of bilateral cooperation agreements and, as a party to ongoing projects, attaches importance to ensuring the continuity of the established cooperation.

International Memberships

The Vice Presidency of Life Sciences is registered as a center of excellence in TWAS. It is the Affiliate Center of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in Trieste, Italy. Additionally, the Vice Presidency served as the main collaborator of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Türkiye until 2005. We also have memberships in the groups listed below:

  • SAFE consortium: European Association for Food Safety
  • Campden BRI: Food and Drink Innovation
  • IAPRI (International Association of Packaging Research Institutes)
  • EUROFIR: European Food Information Resource Network
  • MoniQA Association (International Association for Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Food Supply Chain)
  • SEAFOODplus Research Platform
  • IHC Group "Authenticity of Bee Products


References and Various Collaborations:

  • Ministry of National Defense (MSB)
  • Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB)
  • National Intelligence Organization (MIT)
  • Ministry of Interior (AFAD [Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency], National Police Department)
  • Ministry of Health (Provincial Health Directorates)
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (General Directorate of Food Control, General Directorate of Water Management)
  • FNSS Defense Systems Inc.
  • MKE (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation)
  • Altınay Aviation and Advanced Technologies Ind. and Trade Co.TUSAŞ
  • HTL Techno Electromechanical Engineering Industry and Trade Co.
  • OPCW
  • TNO
  • Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tuebingen-Germany
  • Sun Textile Industry and Trade Co.
  • Berko Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industry Inc.
  • MAKEL Technology Inc.
  • Gebze Institute Of Technology
  • Aciöz Petroleum Products Ind.& Trade Ltd. Co.
  • Altek-Europe Ltd.
  • Anadolu Medicine Technologies Inc.
  • Barit Maden Türk A.Ş.
  • BİM Birleşik Mağazalar A.Ş.
  • Boren National Boron Research Institute
  • Çev – Pet Petroleum Products Recycling Chemical Transp. Ind. Inc.
  • Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning
  • Turkish Naval Forces Gölcük Shipyard Command
  • Dostel Alm. Sülfat Ind. Inc.
  • National Police Department
  • Republic of Türkiye Energy Market Regulatory Authority
  • Eti Mine Works General Directorate
  • EVYAP Soap Oil Glycerin Ind. Trade Inc.
  • Gebze Technical University
  • Hayat Cleaning and Health Products Inc.
  • İGSAŞ (İstanbul Fertilizer Industry Inc.)
  • İSKİ (Istanbul Water And Sewerage Administration)
  • İstanbul Energy Ind. and Trade Inc.
  • General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA)
  • General Directorate of Highways
  • Koza Industrial Oils Ind.&Trade Ltd. Co.
  • Marmara University
  • Mercedes Benz Türk A.Ş. Aksaray Truck Factory
  • Migros Türk T.A.Ş.
  • Mikrotaş (Micronized Powders Ind. Inc.)
  • ÇBS Dye Chemicals Ind. and Trade Inc.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defense Research & Development Department
  • Onur Ekspres Marketçilik A.Ş. (Onurex)
  • Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş.
  • Procter & Gamble Sales & Distribution Ltd. Co.
  • Procter & Gamble Consumer Goods Industry Co.
  • T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning
  • Koç University
  • Turkish Grain Board (TMO)
  • Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corp. (TÜPRAŞ)
  • Türk Demir Döküm Fabrikaları A. Ş. (Turkish DemirDöküm Factories Corp.)
  • General Directorate of Turkish Coal Enterprises
  • Turkish Hard Coal Authority (TTK)
  • Tobacco And Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority (TAPDK),
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Transport General Directorate of Highways
  • Yeditepe University
  • Yildiz Entegre Wood Ind.&Trade Inc.