Industrial Biotechnology

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Industrial Biotechnology Research Group has 2 research teams, which are plant biotechnology and animal biotechnology teams. Industrial Biotechnology Research Group works on products that can be converted into added value for Türkiye's economy, while searching for solutions to existing problems by making use of up-to-date methods in its field, in line with the country's priorities.

Industrial Biotechnology Research Group cooperates with other public research institutions, universities and private sector at national and international level. Also, it offers analysis and consulting services to public and private sector organizations.

Working areas of the Industrial Biotechnology Research Group are generally listed below:

  • Characterization of national plant genetic resources,
  • Productivity and quality improvement in plants by molecular approaches,
  • Elucidation of molecular mechanisms related to biotic/abiotic stresses in plants,
  • Molecular marker assisted breeding programs in plants,
  • Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses under varying stress conditions on plants,
  • Plant tissue culture and genetic manipulation,
  • Production of valuable pharmaceutical raw materials through soil-independent bioreactors,
  • Development of molecular breeding strategies in farm animals and poultry (Genetic selection),
  • Determination of polymorphisms in genes that determine yield characteristics in farm animals,
  • Diagnosis of animal diseases of genetic origin for which a single mutation is responsible (such as BLAD, DUMPS),
  • Transgenic animal production,
  • Identification and characterization of animal gene sources (Determination of biodiversity in domestic and wild species; DNA fingerprinting studies for species and parent identification),
  • Reproductive biotechnology (Cloning, in vitro fertilization, creation of biobanks),
  • Animal cell technology studies,
  • Production of experimental animals and toxicity and biocompatibility studies in experimental animals,
  • Cell culture, molecular techniques and in vitro model systems for drug discovery and toxicology,