Who We Are?

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Vice Presidency of Life Sciences includes Industrial Biotechnology, Food Safety and Quality, Food Innovation Technologies, CBRN Defense Technologies and Medical Biotechnology research groups.

Vice Presidency of Life Sciences is one of the world's leading research and development centers as an organization that can meet the needs of the age with its infrastructure equipped with advanced technologies and expert personnel in their fields.

Developments in the world are constantly followed, and studies are carried out uninterruptedly to create solutions for the needs of public institutions, private sector and industry in our country.

The Vice Presidency of Life Sciences combines scientific research with commercial-industrial activities in order to conduct high value-added applied research and develop technologies and plays an important role in the improvement of the global competitive power of Türkiye through sustainable development.

The vision of the Life Sciences VP is to become one of the leading science and technology centers of the world in the field of applied research.