Food Safety and Quality

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Food Safety and Quality Research Group works on the determination of the formation/transmission mechanisms of chemical and microbiological risks in foods and the minimization of these risks.


  • Exposure determination for food-borne chemical and microbiological risks, risk assessment,
  • Development of Early Warning Systems (Risks Management Systems) and Decision Support Systems for early diagnosis of risks,
  • Development of technologies, methods and strategies (alternative decontamination/detoxification techniques) for the prevention and reduction of risks,
  • Ensuring food safety and quality with the use of big data/blockchain/artificial intelligence for smart applications (smart agriculture, smart warehouse, smart transportation, smart production),
  • Mycotoxins, molds, mold culture collection,
  • Residues and contaminants (Pesticides, veterinary drugs, hormones, environmental contaminants, food processing contaminants, heavy metals),
  • Foodborne diseases, pathogenic microorganisms,
  • Total and specific migration (food contact material safety),
  • Molecular biology and genetically modified organisms,
  • Development of rapid analysis techniques (sensors, analysis kits, etc.) applicable in the field for the detection of frauds and risks in foods and advanced analysis methods applicable in laboratory,
  • Molecular and chemical based imitation, adulteration, origin determination methods,
  • Impact assessment of antimicrobial and hygienic materials,
  • Organization of qualification tests for ensuring quality and reliable results in food laboratories, and production of reference materials,
  • Establishment and accreditation of food laboratories,
  • Food safety assurance systems and food hygiene

are among the fields in which studies and project-based activities are conducted.

Food Safety and Quality working group operates as a team of researchers and technicians of 25 people, 50% of whom have doctorate, 12% master's and 38% bachelor's degrees. Ministry of Health, especially the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, various private sector organizations, non-governmental organizations, exporters' unions, universities and research centers abroad within the scope of the EU Framework Program are included in the cooperation network of the research group.