Organizational Culture and Policies

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In line with the Management Policy of TÜBİTAK MAM, the Vice Presidency aims to be an authority in science and technology by conducting research and achieving the highest possible success and creativity in its field of expertise, developing new fields of expertise, improving the competitive power of Türkiye and the welfare of the society with its contributions to the economy and providing scientific, technological and sustainable solutions for the country by employing its research, development and innovation capabilities.

Within this context, the Vice Presidency of Life Sciences is committed to providing high quality services to its clients with respect to the requirements of regulatory quality standards, including EN ISO/IEC 17025 on Testing and Calibration Laboratories, OIC/SMIIC 35 and OIC/SMIIC 36 on General Requirements for the Competence of Laboratories Performing Halal Testing, EN ISO 9001 on Quality Management Systems and EN ISO 14001 on Environmental Management Systems.

All personnel of the Vice Presidency of Life Sciences is committed

  • to continuous improvement in service and product quality;
  • not to be involved in any practice that would lead to the weakening or loss of the competence, integrity and independence of the laboratories;
  • to be objective and bound by the principles of confidentiality and impartiality;
  • to prevent environmental pollution with their activities and to protect and improve the natural environment.

The Vice Presidency of Life Sciences Management is committed to

  • Developing and managing its resources in order to support national and institutional priorities,
  • Carrying out activities for finding scientific and technological solutions for national requirements,
  • Utilizing the scientific and technological solutions developed,
  • Developing national and international scientific and technological cooperations,
  • Performing tasks and services with the highest possible level of quality, reliability, honesty, impartiality and confidentiality in the light of scientific principles,
  • Hiring competent personnel and serving customers with an ever-increasing quality with a good professional and technical practice,
  • Conforming to national and international legal regulations, laws/legislations and other obligations related to environment, occupational health and safety, eliminating the impacts of any environmental accident and emergency and the occupational health and safety risks during its activities and reducing their harms and defining the inspection methods,
  • In line with the philosophy of continuous corporate development, working in compliance with relevant legislation and other obligations, business ethics and quality principles and standards on environment, laboratory accreditation and occupational health and safety,
  • Providing a laboratory environment that meets the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 International Standards in order to deliver a service of ever increasing quality to its clients,
  • Meeting OIC/SMIIC 35 and OIC/SMIIC 36 standard requirements in laboratories conducting tests on halal food,
  • Making use of natural resources efficiently in all services and activities, preventing pollution at source and supporting reuse and recycling,

Carrying out all necessary activities in order for all the personnel to adopt, learn and implement the quality system certification and quality policy.