Kongre Sunumları (ULUSAL)

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  • Elif Tarakci, FerideMelisa Bilgin, Feride Sermin Utku, HilalYazici. Evaluation of Therapeutic Potential of Nanoceria viaSurface Functionalization Strategies for Colon and Lung Cancer. 2nd Global Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials; June 22-23, 2022; Berlin Germany.
  • Ünal M.Y., Çoşkun K.A., Öztürk H.Ü. Optimization Strategies for Improving Soluble Expression of SARS-CoV-2 S1 Protein Using SUMO-Fusion Technology. 32. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim 2021, Türkiye, online.
  • Bilgin, F. M., Gokcek, S.M., Oncu, M. D., Aksu, D.A., Yilmaz, H., Yazici, H., Therapeutic Activities of Nanoceria in Lung Cancer Through Pathway Analysis. EMRS-European Materials Research Society, EMRS-European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, September 20-23, 2021 (Virtual Conference).
  • Tarakci, E., Bilgin, F. M., Yilmaz, H., Utku., F. S. , Yazici, H., Pharmacological Potential of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Through pH Dependency For Colon Cancer. EMRS European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, September 20-23, 2021 (Virtual Conference).
  • Kidik, K., Bilgin, F. M., Yilmaz, H., Utku., F. S. , Yazici, H., Nanoceria as an alternative Treatment Strategy for Head and Neck Cancer. EMRS-European Materials Research Society, EMRS-European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, September 20-23, 2021 (Virtual Conference).
  • Tarakci, E., Bilgin, F. M., Erdag, B., Bahadir, A. O., Tekin, S., Yazici, H., A Comparative Study on Anti-Cancer Properties of Dextran-Coated Nanoceria Against Colon and Lung Cancer. Bio Turkiye, International Biotechnology Conference, September 9-11, 2021 (Online Conference).
  • Bilgin, F. M., Kidik, K., Tarakci , E., Yilmaz, H., Yazici, H.,  Selective Antitumor Activity of Nanoceria Against Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer. March 13-20, 2021, First Global Nanobio E-Conference, Florida, USA. (Online).
  • Bilgin F.M., Yilmaz H., Duygulu Ö., Serhatlı M., Bahadir A.Ö., Oncu M.D., Ozturk H.Ü., Erdag B., Yazici H. Nanoseryum Tabanlı Moleküler Hedefli Kanser Tedavisi. 9. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, Sözlü Sunum, 18-20 Aralık 2020, Türkiye, online.
  • Bilgin, F. M., Ozturk, H. U., Yilmaz, H., Harbeck, S., Balcioglu, B. K., Kaya, F., Erdag, B., Ercan, B., Yazici, H., The Role of Synthesis Methodology on Cytotoxicity Properties of Dextran-Coated Nanoceria Against Cancer Cells. International Eurasian Conference on Biotechnology and Biochemistry, December 16-18, 2020, Turkey. (Online).
  • Iqbal, H., Yazici, H., Tas, A., Karakaya, F., Nalbantoğlu, S., Sekmen, S., Karadag, A., A Cellular Therapy-based Modified Tissue Engineering Strategy for Bone Repair. 7th International Symposium-cum-Training Course on Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (MMDR7), Kasım 4-7, 2019, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Işık Ş., Özçeşmeci M., Kalkan A., Hamuryudan E., Balcıoğlu B.K., Bahadır A.Ö., Öztürk H.Ü., Öncü M.D., Kaya F., Erdağ B., Can Ö., Serhatlı M. In vitro studies of water soluble zinc phthalocyanines for photodynamic therapy. XVI. Medical Biology and Genetics Congress, 27-29 October 2019, Muğla, Turkey.
  • Ersezen, N., Balcıoglu, K. B., Ozdemir Bahadir, A., Ozturk, H.U., Serhatli. M., Yazici, H., Denizci Öncü, M., Kaya, F., Yagci, T., Erdag, B., Development of active substance for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer from human recombinant nanoantibody constructs. 2nd International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences, 28-29 Haziran 2019, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Aktar, E., Balcioglu, K.B., Serhatli. M., Ozturk, H.U., Denizci, M., Kaya, F., Yazici, H., Ersezen, N., Erdemir, F., Erdag, B., Yagci, T., Ozdemir Bahadir, A., Inhibition of HBsAg with Anti-HBsAg ScFv in PLC/PRF/5 Cell Line. International Congress on Biological and Medical Sciences 2018, 31 Ekim-03 Kasım 2018, Niğde, Türkiye.