Congress Presentations (INTERNATIONAL)

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  • Erçelen Ş. Screening DNA condensation properties of multifunctional PAMAM dendrimers with different amine contents for targeted co-delivery of SAHA, 5-FU and TRAIL plasmid. NanoMedicine International Conference, 2022, Atina, Yunanistan, poster sunumu.
  • Erçelen Ş. Protective effect of phytosomes on the hemolytic activity of plant derived Aristoside-C and Davisianoside-B saponins. Annual Conference & Exhibition Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Natural Health Products, and Dietary Supplements, 2022, İstanbul, Türkiye, poster sunumu.
  • Çelik E, Eroğlu B, Yılmaz-Çolak Ç, Tefon-Öztürk BE. Effects of sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics on Bordetella pertussis. Çukurova 8th International Scientific Researches Conferences, Bildiri Kitabı: sf.320-331, 15-17 Nisan 2022, Adana, Türkiye, Sözlü Sunum.
  • Sahin A., Morva A., Cetin Y. Screening Antiviral and Immunomodulatory Mediterranean Herbs and Spices Against SARS-CoV for ACE-2, MPro, and PAD 4 Using in Silico PyRx. ISNFF, 2-5 Ekim 2022, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Kalyoncu E, Batar B, Morva A, Ceker D, Tekin S, Oran M, Turgut B, Karadag A. Developing Long Terminal Repeat CRISPR-CAR-Coupled T Cells against SARS-CoV-2 Virus. 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting, 4-6 Şubat 2021, virtual.
  • Bayralı E., Tongul B., Bilgiç K., Zeybek S., Bahadır A.Ö. Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Surface Protein In Mammalian Cells. IV. International COVID-19 and Current Issues Congress, 30-31 Temmuz 2021, online, sözlü sunum.
  • Bilgiç K., Uyar O.A., Kılıç G., Akçael E., Yücel F., Tekin Ş., Bahadır A.Ö., Balcıoğlu B.K.. Construction of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Phage Displayed Mouse ScFv Library From Hybridoma cells. Biotürkiye international Biotechnology Congress, 9-11 September 2021, Turkey, oral presentation.
  • Dinç G.G., Kılıç G., Polat İ.G., Kaymaz G., Öztürk H.Ü., Yücel F., Akçael E. S Generation of Sandwich ELISA by Using In-House Developed Antibodies and Antigen for Detection of SARS-CoV-2. 6th. European Congress of Immunology, 1-4 September 2021, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Duran T., Şahin F., Öztürk H.Ü. Functional expression, purification and in vitro refolding of a humanized scFV from Escherichia Coli inclusion bodies against SARS-CoV. BİOTÜRKİYE-Uluslarası Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 9-11 Eylül 2021, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Uyar O.A., Bilgiç K., Tekin Ş., Özdemir A.B., Balcıoğlu B.K. Determination of Neutralizing Peptides Against Sars-Cov-2. 4th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2021, online.
  • Akdeniz A., BiLgiç K., Uyar O.A., Çörtük M, Tekin Ş., Özdemir A.B., Balcıoğlu B.K. Process optimization for the development of a phage displayed human scFv library against SARS-CoV-2 virus. Biotürkiye international Biotechnology Congress, 9-11 September 2021, Turkey, poster presentation.
  • Mercan Y., Köm Ş., Uyar O.A., Bilgiç K., Özgür B., Tekin Ş., Bahadır A.Ö., Balcıoğlu B.K. Expression Studies of a Humanized Recombinant Antibody Construct Against SARS-CoV-2 Virus. Biotürkiye international Biotechnology Congress. 9-11 September 2021, Turkey, poster presentation.
  • Adiguzel Ş, Cicek N, Okyay T.M., Cobandede Z, Yildizhan Y, Cetin Y, Cordon J.G., Puelles R.C., Amayuelas M.P.M., de la Torre S.B., Yilmaz H, Culha M. Toxicity of Surface Modified Carbon-based Nanomaterials. 4th EastWest Chemistry Conference, PS-028, 7-9 October 2021, online.
  • Bilgin F.M., Ozturk H.Ü., Yilmaz H., Harbeck S., Balcioglu K.B., Kaya F., Erdag B., Ercan B., Yazici H. The Role of Synthesis Methodology on Cytotoxicity Properties of Dextran-Coated Nanoceria Against Cancer Cells. International Euroasian Conference on Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 16-18 December 2020, Turkey.
  • Ersezen N., Balcıoğlu K.B., Bahadır A.Ö., Bahar A., Öztürk H.Ü., Serhatlı M., Yazıcı H., Öncü M.D., Kaya F., Erdemir F., Aktar E., Yağcı T., Erdağ B. Development of active substance for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer from human recombinant nano-antibody constructs. 2. International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences-Eurasian BioChem 2019, 28-29 Haziran 2019, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Aktar E., Balcıoğlu K.B., Serhatlı M., Ozturk H.Ü., Öncü M.D., Kaya F., Yazıcı H., Ersezen N., Erdemir F., Erdag B., Yagcı T., Bahadır A.Ö. Inhibition of HBsAg with Anti-HBsAg ScFv in PLC/PRF/5 Cell Line. International Congress on Biological and Medical Sciences, 2018, Niğde, Türkiye.
  • Tokay N., Ercin P.B., Yüksel İ., Ozturk H.Ü. SIX1 as a Tumour Stage Predicting Biomarker: A Bioinformatic Approach. ICGEB Workshop on "Next Generation Diagnostics", 22 - 24 March 2018, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, poster.
  • Matos C.P., Adiguzel Z., Yildizhan Y., Nunes P., Fernandes A.R., Garcia M.H., Pessoa J.C., Acilan C., Tomaz A.I., Correia I. Ternary Iron and Ruthenium Complexes For Cancer Therapy: Cytotoxicity and DNA Interaction. 12th IBCC – Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Conference, Book of Abstracts: P6, 5-6 July 2018, Porto, Portugal.
  • Kara A, Aydın A, Morva A, Ceker D, Kucuker S, Karadag A. The Link of Interferon Regulatory Factors 4 and 7 on the Patient's Survival in Lung Adenocarcinoma. 2019 Proceedings-1st International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics, CCI, In: Proceedings paper, pp: 55-58, 19-21 Kasım 2018, Amman, Ürdün, sözlü sunum.
  • Cetın Y., Yıldızhan Y., Adıguzel Z., Gungor G., Kıyga E., Yuce F.G., Duran H. Assessing Toxicity of Nanoparticles, Commonly Used in Nanomedicine, TiO2 and Fe3O4, Using in vitro Models. Tıpta İnovasyon Kongresi 4, 2018, Gaziantep, Turkiye.
  • Erdag B., Balcioglu B.K., Bahadir A.Ö., Serhatli M., Ozturk H.Ü., Oncu M.D., Kaya F., Bahar A., Kacar Ö., Seker U.O.S., Tamerler C., Akgun E., Kilic T., Ozkan A., Baysal K. Development of Biotechnological drug candidates on Angiogenesis model in Turkey. 15th International Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology Conference, 21-22 June 2017, London, UK.
  • Yildirim S., Nizamlioglu M., Oncu M.D., Bastanlar E.K., Bulut Z., Genetic diversity among domestic goats (Capra hircus) and wild goats (Capra aegagrus) in Turkey. ISAG 2017 36th International Soceity for Animal Genetics Conference, 16-21 July 2017, Ireland, Dublin.
  • Pessoa J.C., Correia I., Ribeiro N., Matos C., Nunes P., Marques F., Acilan C.,  Adiguzel Z., Yildizhan Y., Silva T.S., Santos M. Evaluation and comparison of Cu-, V-, Zn and Fe-complexes containing bipy or phen as ligands as anticancer agents. ICBIC18 – International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry, July 31st – August 4th 2017, Florianópolis, Brazil.
  • Keskin B.C., A. Sekmen H., Yıldızhan Y., Onarıcı S., Türkan İ. Comparison of Antioxidative Defense System in Drought Tolerant and non-tolerant Triticum aestivum Cultivars under Drought Stress. 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging Roles in Plant Form and Function, 75, P18, 10-13 Sept 2017, Kuşadası, Turkey.
  • Cetın Y., Yıldızhan Y., Adıguzel Z., Duran H., Oluz Z. Safety assessment of nanoparticles commonly used in nanomedicine using in vitro models. 53rd Congress Of The European Societies Of Toxicology (EUROTOX), Toxicology Letters, Volume 280, Supplement 1, Page S185, 20 October 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Keskin B.C., Yıldızhan Y, Özer B., Sezerman U.,  Kulen O., Onarıcı S., Yüksel B., Sekman A.H., Türkan İ. Identification of Drought Stress Related Genes in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,) Using Next Generation Sequencing Technology. Plant Health: Challenges and Solutions Workshop in Frontiers Abstract Book, P38, 2017, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Adıguzel Z., Yıldızhan Y., Matos C.P., Correıa I., Pessoa J.C., Cetın Y., Acılan C. Assessment of Tripodal Aminophenolate Fe-Complexes Containing Phen or 8HQ as Anticancer Agents. Tipta İnovasyon Buluşmaları 3, 2017, Gaziantep, Turkey.