International Joint PROMISE and BACFOODNET Conference

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International Joint PROMISE and BACFOODNET Conference - Persistent lifestyles of food-borne pathogens and its consequence

The second of the annual BacFoodNet Conferences, The International Joint PROMISE and BACFOODNET Conference, took place in collaboration with the EU PROMISE project in Vienna from the 17th to 19th of November 2014, very kindly hosted by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). More than 110 participants from 30 countries across Europe, as well as experts from WHO and participated this conference. The main topics of this joint conference were i) Neglected routes of transmission of food-borne pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes, ii) Persistence and biofilm formation in foodborne pathogens, iii) Physcial and chemical means of disinfection, iv) The competition of pathogens in their natural and artifical habitats, v) Modeling in microbial risk assessment.

For more information, please visit the website. (

