MycoTWIN Project Kicked Off Under the Coordination of Food Institute

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The EU Project MycoTWIN kicked off on 01 December 2020 under the coordination of TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute.

The project “MycoTWIN - Enhancing Research And Innovation Capacity of TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute on Management of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins” which was approved within the scope of the EU H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5 Twinning Call under the coordination of TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute kicked off on 01 December 2020. MycoTWIN is one of the two projects supported within the scope of EU H2020 Calls and coordinated by TÜBİTAK for the first time.

The partners of the project are CNR-ISPA (National Research Council – Institute of Science of Food Production- Italy) and UV (University of Valencia - Spain).
With the project, it is aimed to gain competence in combating mycotoxigenic molds and mycotoxins. The project will allow the highest level of cooperation with national and international stakeholders through trainings, summer schools, technical visits, seminars, workshops and information days to be held in three years.

Project description was published by the EU CORDIS ( A web page is under construction to announce all the studies and results pertaining to the project and its link will be shared later.
