Food Institute Young Researchers' Project Competition, June 16th 2015

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The projects of 16 groups of young researchers have competed within the Food Institute Young Researchers' Project Competition that has been held in the Food Institute Pilot Plant in 16 June 2015. The most successfull three projects awarded are:

1. Development of pH sensititve smart biopolymeric films as food spoilage indicator  (E.Aytunga Arık Kibar - H. İmge Oktay Başeğmez),

2. Isolation of G.stearothermophilus from natural sources as a sterilisation bioindicator (N.Aslı Kısıkkaya Öncü - Cedya Kodolbaş),

3. Extraction of bioactive compounds from propolis and development of propolis based functional food products (Özlem Aslan-Zafer Yaşar).

