TÜGİP and Food Innovation Center Promotion Workshop

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The efforts to promote the Turkish Food Innovation Platform (TÜGİP) and the Food Innovation Center continue with workshops with high participation.

The efforts to promote the Turkish Food Innovation Platform (TÜGİP) and the Food Innovation Center, which were founded under the leadership of TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) Food Institute with the support by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye within the scope of Competitive Sectors Program, continue with workshops with high participation.

On 20-21 December 2021, a workshop was held at TÜBİTAK MAM Gebze campus with the participation of 26 enterprises from 12 Level-II Regions - 14 provinces to introduce TÜGİP and the Pilot Processing Facilities located in the Food Innovation Center.

38 representatives of the 26 companies from the provinces of Bitlis, Elazığ, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Hatay, Iğdır, Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Şanlıurfa and Trabzon were hosted at the Gebze campus of TÜBİTAK MAM.

The workshop started with the introduction of TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute and the INNOFOOD Project by TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute Director and INNOFOOD Project Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Cesarettin ALAŞALVAR. Then, the INNOFOOD Project Industrial Relations Coordinator Prof. Mehmet Pala introduced the Turkish Food Innovation Platform, TÜGİP and the services to be provided. 

In the workshop, 9 Pilot Processing Facilities, where new product processing and development studies can be carried out in very different product groups, were demonstrated, and then Food Institute researchers and companies had face to face meetings.

The workshop attracting an intense participation and interest allowed the introduction of the competencies of the Food Institute and the sharing of information and experience among INNOFOOD project experts, Food Institute researchers and participants. Significant cooperation potentials focusing on R&D and innovation were discussed, especially in the development of starter culture, shelf life extension and prevention of aflatoxin formation.

We would like to thank the representatives of the relevant companies for their participation in the workshop, which was completed successfully.

For more detailed information about TÜGİP, Türkiye's largest food and beverage solution provider, visit www.tugip.org.tr


* Turkish Food Innovation Platform (TÜGİP) was established within the scope of the  Competitive Sectors Program INNOFOOD project, which is funded by the  European Union and the Republic of Türkiye, and carried out by the  Ministry of Industry and Technology, under the leadership of TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center Food Institute with its 50 years of deep-rooted experience, in order to increase the regional competitiveness of the food industry.


